Can I Put A Tile On That?

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I remember when my oldest daughter was in elementary school and I use to swear that she would lose her head if it were not connected to her body! She lost everything. Of course she would never admit to losing it, it was simply misplaced.

Checking the school’s lost and found became a regular stop when I entered her elementary school. I was forever grateful for the moms that spent countless hours organizing the coats, the water bottles, the purses, the notebooks, the lunch boxes and all the other things that were casually cast aside each day.

Thankfully she outgrew this! Although right now she and her husband are looking for the bolts that go in the bed that was temporarily put in storage. Sigh.

Now we have entered this “lost and found” stage with my father. Unfortunately we cannot retrace my father’s steps because he has no idea where he has been.

So far he has lost a wallet, car keys, a hearing aid and now the keys to their home. The wallet has been gone for a few months. The credit cards have been canceled and the money . . . well that is gone. The car keys have been located. They were in the bottom of his closet. The hearing aid has not turned up yet but we are confident that it is in their home somewhere. Now they are looking for the keys to their home.

My dad has a fascination with keys. Maybe it is the fact that they are shiny? Yesterday he decided to add my mom’s key to his collection. Why she did not retrieve them immediately is beyond my comprehension. Dad kept up with them all day and my mom had to untangle the cords to separate the keys that evening. Apparently it was a big mess and she put them on her bedside table to tackle again later.

You guessed it! Dad found them and he has put them in a safe place. Of course he has no idea where that safe place is!

Alzheimer’s will certainly keep you on your toes!

If you do not know what a TILE is, google it! It is a wonderful little square that you can attach to many things! When we found the car keys, we attached a TILE to the key fob. We replaced the wallet with a new wallet and tucked a TILE into one of the credit card pockets. We told my dad it was a security feature that would let us know if someone ever took his wallet.

Unfortunately you cannot attach a TILE to a hearing aid! He might look a little funny with a square dangling from his ear. When we find the house keys, we will add another TILE to this key chain.

The TILE is linked to my mom’s iPad and her cell phone. Each TILE has its own signal and when we cannot find his wallet we simply push the locate feature on for this TILE and listen for the beep. It is amazing and I wish I had invented it!!

I highly recommend that you go to Amazon and order a TILE or order many TILES. Put them on everything.


It will save you a lot of frustration.

And if you figure out how to put one on a hearing aid . . . let me know.

I want to put a TILE on it!